Mar 20Liked by JESSICA SNOW

I have a question for Jessica. Do I post it here or does she have a messenger account?

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Hi Susan! It's me Jessica - you can post your question here! I'd love to hear it! xo J

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Great! I will yes!

Thank you Jessica ~

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I am taking an astrology class with Debra Silverman. I saw you had astrological sign meditations, three of which I tried and loved. I thought it would be a great thing to post so others in the classes could try but I wondered how best to present you AND/OR possibly you might see this as an opportunity to bundle the group and write about them, then I would share.

Saying I am an Aquarius may explain the question better

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awesome Susan - wow, I love Debra Silverman's work - let's move this into the realms of email - will you write me at jessicasnow1311@gmail.com and you can tell me more about this idea from your Waterbearer perspective? xo Jess

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